Ebook : The Seven Secrets of a Good Diet

There is so much conflicting information about a good diet, that people often come to me and really don’t know what to do anymore. Is it best to eat everything cooked, baked and steamed, like in Macrobiotics, or is it better to eat it all raw, as the Rawfood movement prescribes. Is it better to take supplements and if so, which ones? Or can we simply do without? In this report I will provide answers to such questions, based on my experience in with nutrition over the past 30 years.

My first interest in diet arose at age thirteen. At high school there was a girl in my year that was vegetarian. She was so passionate about it that I became interested in what I ate. At the age of sixteen, I spent some time in London and found a book named “Not all in the Mind” by Dr. Richard Mackarness, “How Unsuspected Food Allergy Can Affect Your Body – And Your Mind”. It explained the negative effect of different foods on behavior. From then on I became even more interested in the effect of different foods on our wellbeing.

When I started talking about this subject, many people thought there was something wrong with me, especially when I told them that food does have an effect on behavior. Years later the same people came back to me for dietary advice. Slowly but steadily medical science becomes convinced, that there is a strong relationship between diet and physical and psychological wellbeing.

Now what is really a good diet?
In this report I’ll share with you the seven important secrets, when it comes to diet. Very soon my complete book full of practical tips and recipes will be available on this website.

Secret 1: A good diet is personal
Secret 2: A good diet takes environment and season into consideration
Secret 3: A good diet stresses the importance of pure water
Secret 4: A good diet consists of natural foods
Secret 5: A goo
Secret 6: A good diet is eaten in the right mindset
Secret 7: A moderate diet is the key to a long and healthy life
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