Good Fats Can Help You Lose Weight

Good fats can help you lose weight. For over 30 years, fats have been considered responsible for the extra pounds. Diets entirely excluded the fat intake, although the human body needs fat to function properly! Persons who have excluded the fat from the menu were observed imbalances and diseases of certain organs, which until now were considered as obesity effects.

It was found that obesity and diseases have appeared because of a diet that excluded the "good "fat. Excluding fat from daily menu leads to obesity! In the United States, studies have shown that obesity has increased by 20% in the last 20 years due to the exclusion of fats from the daily menu. Although in 1960 the U.S., 45% from the calories eaten in a day were fat and only 13% of them were obese. In 2007, 33% of daily calories came from fat, but the rate of obesity has increased to 34%! Thereby, although Americans consume less fat, they tend to be much more obese than before. In other words, fat can help you maintain your weight, with the condition to know how and what to eat! The problem is that when it comes to fat, people don't know the difference between the bad one and the one that body needs. Even if only we consume good fats, you need to know that you may not make excesses! Fats are essential for a healthy body.

The human body needs fat to function normally. 60% of the brain is fat so lipids are very important for it to function properly for a fast learning, memory and an overall good mood. Fat can also protect the cells from the body and help them to regenerate and is an important source of beneficial compound to the cell membrane. All bodies need fat to function normally 60% of heart energy is produced by burning fats.

Good fat should not miss from the daily menu if you do not have heart problems! Nerves, lungs and eyes need fat to function normally and to keep away diseases. Good fat can help your digestion; slowing it and allowing the body to absorb the nutrients before the stomach digest the food. Fats can reduce the inflammations and they are very good for a strong immune system. Fats are of several types: Monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated and trans fats. Monounsaturated fat comes from olives, hazel-nuts, avocados, nuts, almonds, peanuts or pumpkin seeds. Mediterranean Diet proposes a rich menu in these fats, which help those who follow this diet to be healthy and have a strong immune system, having the lowest risk of cardiovascular disease in the world!

Polyunsaturated fat derived from sunflower, corn, soy or fish. This includes Omega 3 fatty acids, which protects your cardiovascular system and brain. Saturated fat derived from red meat, whole milk, coconut oil, palm oil, and very little from the chicken and fish meat. These fats increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, because they have so much cholesterol. Trans fat (hydrogenated or fat such as margarine) are very dangerous for your health and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease! You can find these in snacks, fast food meal type and most of the foodstuff that we buy form stores (crackers, cookies, candy, instant puddings and creams, etc.).

The first two categories are considered good fats, saturated ones are not recommended (especially in excess) and the trans ones are truly dangerous to your health! What kind of fat contains your food from your store place? Many of the products we use every day contain several types of fats. Try to choose the unsaturated (mono are ideal), which will help you to have a healthy body and to maintain your form.

Eliminate trans fat from your daily menu and you'll keep away cardiovascular disease! Although you thought that margarine helps you stay in form, you ware wrong because they are rich in trans fats and it was a real danger to your health and can lead to obesity! Omega 3 are a real source of health! Omega 3 fatty acids should not miss from the menu of healthy diets! Recent studies have shown that Omega 3 acids protect you from cardiovascular disease, liver cancer, depressions and neurological disorders (including Parkinson, Alzheimer or Dementia). Whether you choose to eat fish meat (salmon or tuna) or you choose fish oil supplements, Omega 3 acids will help you to have a healthy body and maintain your weight and form.



Fasting Tips For Managing Obesity

Are you looking for fasting tips that will help you enjoy a life free of unsightly fat? Chances are, you have uncovered all kinds of information that may appear contradictory. For example, some references may indicate that you should only drink water when fasting. Or, you may read about fruit juice fasting, and special recipes dedicated to cleaning out your internal organs. Perhaps it should come as no surprise that you feel puzzled about which fasting regimen to use.

Typically, the best fasting tips will help you eliminate toxins from your body, as well as ensure that your metabolism gets shaken up enough to burn fat. In many cases, fasting regimens last too long, or they are scheduled in such a way that your body adapts to the routine. Therefore, it will be to your advantage to look for routines that enable you to make use of intermittent fasting. You may also want to look for a plan that makes use of exercise to burn fat even faster. This will help preserve and build muscle tissue, as well as ensure that you are gaining the most benefit from fasting.

Depending on your interests, you may want to look to other cultures for fasting tips. Among other things, you will gain all kinds of information about the best times of year for fasting, as well as the kinds of foods to avoid. Chances are, if you dig deeper into the history of these traditions, you may find information about diseases specific to certain geographic locations. As may be expected, if you discover that the foods you eat are imported from certain areas, it may also be of some help to avoid specific foods at certain times. You may even be able to align metabolism boosting fasts with these time periods for an optimal effect.



Diabetes Mellitus is #6 cause of death by disease in U.S.

By: Pamela Egan, FNP-C CDE

I am diagnosing more and more new diabetics each week in our clinic. Diabetes and cardiovascular disease pose significant threats to our health and well being. When is the last time that you were screened for diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus ranks as the sixth leading cause of death by disease in the United States today. Over 20 million Americans have diabetes, and this number is growing. It is estimated that nearly one-third of those with diabetes are not diagnosed and therefore not receiving care for this disease.

Since 1990, the prevalence of diabetes has increased by 61%. Not surprising, this increase in diabetes corresponds with the increase in obesity. I was walking in my neighborhood this morning and noted that the school bus stopped to pick each child up at their driveway. When I was a child, we had to walk one block to meet the school bus. Are we really helping them by doing this? It’s no surprise that the obesity epidemic is essentially triggered by excess calorie consumption and sedentary lifestyles.

Obesity, especially abdominal fat, has become an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It is also a sign of insulin resistance, vascular inflammation, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

We are seeing more and more children who are overweight classified as both Type 1 & Type 2 diabetes. Many are treated with insulin but without treatment for their insulin resistance. This lack of treatment is compounding their complications.

Type 1 is an autoimmune disease of the pancreas resulting in a lack of insulin and comprises about 5 – 10% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes. People with type 1 diabetes in childhood have a high risk of early heart disease.

Type 2 comprises about 90 – 95% of all diabetics. Plasma insulin levels are normal to high. Many have insulin resistance that needs to be reversed. Insulin is the fat storing hormone and an inflammatory hormone. Too much insulin in the blood can actually lead to coronary artery disease. Adults with diabetes have a 2 -4 fold increased risk of stroke and a 3-fold increased risk of heart disease, not to mention peripheral arterial disease, chronic kidney disease and many other disorders.

Diabetes and cardiovascular disease cause nearly 1 million deaths per year and result in over $620 billion in health care costs.



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