Ebook : Micro Food Macro Blessing

Two thirds of the world is covered with water. The earliest life form, which began in water, was algae. There are around 25,000 species of algae in the world. Walk on the beach and you will find seaweed, which are the biggest forms of algae, some like little trees with roots, stems, branches and leaves. Kelp and carrageen moss are the best known seaweed and are red or brown in colour. At the other end of the big family are tiny single-celled algae which are the most primitive plants on earth. Many people react
negatively when thinking about algae because the first thing that comes to their mind is algae in swimming pools or toxic algae like the blue-green algae in Australian rivers. With increasing world population and decreasing agricultural land, algae is discussed more frequently for its nutritional value as a future food source which we desperately need. The nutritional as well as the therapeutic value of algae varies with the water’s quality (minerals, nutrition, pH), the water temperature, ocean currents and the intensity of sunlight.

The degree of pollution in waters for food production is a concerning factor for the qualities of the product. The most prominent food alga is Spirulina. Chlorella, fresh water green algae, is one of the smallest organisms and is approximately the size of a human red blood cell. Spirulina is approximately 100 times larger and gets its name from the shape of the plant which looks like little spirals. The dark green colour of Spirulina comes from the high amount of plant blood or in other words, chlorophyll, which is only one molecule different to haemoglobin in human blood. Chlorophyll in plants is collected sunlight. All energy on the earth comes from only one source, the sun. First life, and with the first life the first food or, so we have been told, the algae. Algae can live on water and sunlight only. Humans are not as lucky because they cannot live from sun energy directly. They are on top of the food chain. The lowest on the food chain is the chlorophyll in our nature or in other words the “green” in our nature. Green matter is eaten by animals and animals are eaten by humans. To feed a human being in Western countries, with high meat consumption, the land use per head is 800 times higher than if we were to eat algae directly. The largest mammal on earth is the whale which lives solely on phyto-plankton algae; the largest mammal on land is the elephant which eats green matter only.

The diet of humans has changed a few times since they first walked on the earth. For most of the time we only gathered the seasonal foods - roots, fruits and seeds available within an hour's walking distance and we hunted and fished; the only food intake was fresh. As we became more sophisticated we started to preserve our food by smoking, salting and drying. The oldest and still the best way of preservation is lactic acid fermentation as in sauerkraut where the nutrients and vitamins are preserved as well. Only in recent years have we learned to preserve by heating, drying and freezing, and part of our food's value is lost during its processing.

I was introduced to Spirulina in 1984 by a good friend who worked in Spirulina research for a very long time, and she gave me my first book on Spirulina, Food from Sunlight, by Christopher Hills.

Why Spirulina?
First Food
Spirulina as Food for Humans
Commercial Spirulina
Australian Spirulina
Spirulina is not Spirulina ?
Natural and Processed Foods
Super Food
The biggest selling items
Health Food 18
The Sun Food Spirulina
Total Food - Whole Food
Dosage - how much should I take?
Does Spirulina Have Negative Side Effects?
Spirulina - Drug or Food?
Spirulina as a Food Additive
Spirulina for Better Health
The Complete Protein
Radicals. Eh?
Vitamins through the Alphabet
Vitamins Supplied by Spirulina
Other Good Things!
Chlorophyll - The Green Gold
Typical chemical analysis of Spirulina
Nutritional Information
Best value for your money
Overdose of, or Too Much of a Good Thing
Spirulina for General Well Being and Body Cleansing
What people have experienced using Spirulina
Protection against Radiation
Heavy metal detoxification
Cholesterol, Hypertension, Arteriosclerosis
Loss of Vision, Cataracts and Glaucoma 48
Hepatitis and Cirrhosis
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers
Sexual Vitality
Anti ageing
Slimming - Spirulina for the Ideal Weight 50
Spirulina for Beauty
Future Food
Land area required to grow one food ration per year
Water Use
Energy Use
Chemical-free Food production 60
What will we be eating tomorrow?
Food for the Hunger in the World
Spirulina affordable for starving people?
The now ill and starving people will be as
healthy as Western society.
Growing your own Spirulina at home?
Plants and Animals
Spirulina compared to Chlorella and Green Barley
Other Spirulina Products

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