Ebook : Herbal D-Tox Cookbook For Cleansing

Out with the old and in with the new. Detoxification is one of the central concepts of natural healing. Why? It is impossible to build healthy new tissue without eliminating old cells and their by-products. This has never been truer than in modern society. We are being flooded continuously with synthetic chemicals, hormones and toxic material in our food, air, cosmetics and clothing. Even a person with a healthy diet comes into contact with all sorts of these undesirable toxins. Our ancestors felt it was very important to cleanse at least twice each year and they had an organic diet by default. Some of the best times to cleanse are during spring and fall, as these are the same times nature goes through a similar organic process. A “detox” is also a good way to start a new, healthy routine, increasing the potential outcome of the program. Many of my patients like to cleanse at the beginning of a weight loss program or during the festive season so they don’t feel as guilty for their over-consumption. A “detox” does not have to be a time of deprivation; it can be a time of good, nourishing food and a time of inner focus. This cookbook is designed to help you have a festive time with your food plan as you go through the cleansing process.

Well over 70% of my patients do a cleansing program at least once a year. This is becoming one of the major reasons people visit a health food store. Often this is the only program they do during the year. It is also very helpful to get you back on track to better nutrition maintenance if you have slipped up a little by over-consumption. During a “detox”, people often report that they feel lighter, less bloated, more energy and just generally clearer. Some people experience a mild headache or even nausea during the first day or two of changing their diet and using herbal products. This feeling of malaise usually disappears by day four or five of the detoxification process.

During a detoxification program, it is important to cleanse the intestinal tract, the liver, blood, lymphatic system, and the urinary tract. We suggest that a twelve-day cleansing diet, supported with botanicals, is a good ‘tune-up’ for the body. It will also help you get the most benefit out of the other supplements in your health program. One of the most important rules of natural healing is ‘cleanse a little, build a little, then cleanse a little and build a little more’. By incorporating this cycle into a health program, we can copy nature in its never-ending cycle of seasonal changes. People often go into other health maintenance programs after the Herbal D-Tox. Some of the most common programs are: weight loss, arthritis, liver rejuvenation, Candida, blood sugar maintenance or a parasite cleanse.

At the Wild Rose Clinic, we usually start most health programs with a “detox” program as it can result in better compliance and effectiveness of long-term health programs. We suggest the use of an herbal “detox” program 100 times more often than a fast. If you cleanse too hard, as can happen during a fast, you often end up with a “Healing Crisis”. This is a term from the early days of botanical medicine, which refers to an acute condition associated with therapeutic treatment. Symptoms can range from headaches and nausea to fever and rashes, and can be very unpleasant. Healing crises are similar to shifting gears without a clutch; the gears grind. If a treatment plan involves slower cleansing with a healthy Meal Plan, as outlined in this book, the gears don’t grind and we can usually avoid the crisis.

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