Obesity Linked to Heart Failure Risk

Swedish studies add heart failure to the list of cardiac problems linked to overweight and obesity.

"The take-home message is that body-mass index, however we measure it, is associated with the risk of heart failure," said Emily B. Levitan, a research fellow at the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Unit of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. She is lead author of a report in the April 7 issue of Circulation: Heart Failure.

That report gave results of two studies, one of 36,873 Swedish women and one of 43,487 Swedish men, who were followed for six years and tracked for body-mass index (BMI) and the incidence of heart failure. Overweight is defined as a BMI between 25 and 30, and obesity as a BMI of 30 or higher. By that definition, 34 percent of the women in the study were overweight and 11 percent were obese, while 46 percent of the men were overweight and 10 percent were obese.

A gender difference emerged from the study of waist circumference in men and women. In women, BMI was associated with heart failure risk only among those who were fattest at the waist. In men, each one-point increase in BMI was associated with a 4 percent increase in heart failure risk, no matter what the waist size.

These are several possible explanations for the difference, Levitan said. "One is that the type of heart failure that men and women get is different," she said. "Another is that overall body size is more important than body shape in men."

Whatever the reason, the lesson for both men and women is that weight control can reduce the risk of heart failure, Levitan said.

"For many years, at least among physicians, we were taught that obesity in and of itself was not a risk factor for heart failure," said Dr. Muriel Jessup, professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and a spokeswoman for the American Heart Association. "We knew it to be a risk factor for coronary disease, but heart failure is a separate condition."

Coronary disease is blockage of heart arteries that can eventually cause a heart attack. Heart failure is the progressive loss of the heart's ability to pump blood.

While many patients who have heart failure also have coronary disease, this is not always so," Jessup said.

"These studies look at the impact of obesity and go a long way toward helping us understand why that is so," Jessup said.

The study, done among the ethnically homogeneous Swedish population, "can help us get insights into why some racial groups have early heart failure," she said. A study reported last month that heart failure tends to occur at least a decade earlier in blacks than in whites, Jessup noted.

While the incidence of coronary disease among Americans has been going down, heart failure has increased, she said. One reason is that methods of preventing and treating coronary disease have improved, Jessup said. "People don't die of myocardial infarction [heart attack] but go on to have heart failure," she said.

The link between excess weight and heart failure "is another reason for people to watch their weight and another signal to physicians to be more aware of following their obese patients," Jessup said.



Women Smell Better than Men !!

Body odor reveals more than when we last showered - it also packs important biological information. And apparently women are better at catching the scent of body odor than men, a new study found.

"It is quite difficult to block a woman's awareness of body odor. In contrast, it seems rather easy to do so in men," said Charles Wysocki, a behavioral neuroscientist at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia.

The researchers think women are more attuned to underarm stink because the biological data it contains helps them choose mates. The fact that most women are even better at smelling male body odor than female body odor seems to support this idea.

Wysocki and colleagues asked women and men to rate the strength of underarm sweat samples collected from both genders. When the scent was presented on its own, it smelled equally strong to both women and men. But when the researchers combined the body odor with other fragrances, the smell was often masked for men, though women could usually still detect it.

The study tested 32 fragrances to see how well they could hide B.O. Among the male subjects, 19 of the fragrances did the trick, though among women, only two of the scents successfully overpowered the sweaty stench.

"Our studies indicate that human sweat conveys information that is of particular importance to females," Wysocki said. "This may explain why it is so difficult to block women's perception of sweat odors."

The scientists also tested the female volunteers' reactions to odors from men versus odors from women. They found that even though the female sweat smelled just as strongly as the male sweat did, it was easier to mask with perfumes. About 19 percent of the fragrances tested successfully reduced the strength of male underarm odor, while more than 50 percent decreased the intensity of female underarm odor.

The new study, published in the Flavour and Fragrance Journal, fits in with other research on how women use their sense of smell romantically. A study published in December 2008 found that women can tell when a man is interested from the scent of his sweat. The scientists found that women's brains responded differently when smelling sweat samples from men who were sexually aroused and men who weren't.

Men also use their noses to choose mates, research has shown. A January 2006 study found that the scent of a woman's body odor is more attractive to men at certain times in the female's monthly cycle. Female underarm sweat seems to communicate when a woman is fertile, making her more desirable to men.


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Women Smell Better than Men !!

Body odor reveals more than when we last showered - it also packs important biological information. And apparently women are better at catching the scent of body odor than men, a new study found.

"It is quite difficult to block a woman's awareness of body odor. In contrast, it seems rather easy to do so in men," said Charles Wysocki, a behavioral neuroscientist at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia.

The researchers think women are more attuned to underarm stink because the biological data it contains helps them choose mates. The fact that most women are even better at smelling male body odor than female body odor seems to support this idea.

Wysocki and colleagues asked women and men to rate the strength of underarm sweat samples collected from both genders. When the scent was presented on its own, it smelled equally strong to both women and men. But when the researchers combined the body odor with other fragrances, the smell was often masked for men, though women could usually still detect it.

The study tested 32 fragrances to see how well they could hide B.O. Among the male subjects, 19 of the fragrances did the trick, though among women, only two of the scents successfully overpowered the sweaty stench.

"Our studies indicate that human sweat conveys information that is of particular importance to females," Wysocki said. "This may explain why it is so difficult to block women's perception of sweat odors."

The scientists also tested the female volunteers' reactions to odors from men versus odors from women. They found that even though the female sweat smelled just as strongly as the male sweat did, it was easier to mask with perfumes. About 19 percent of the fragrances tested successfully reduced the strength of male underarm odor, while more than 50 percent decreased the intensity of female underarm odor.

The new study, published in the Flavour and Fragrance Journal, fits in with other research on how women use their sense of smell romantically. A study published in December 2008 found that women can tell when a man is interested from the scent of his sweat. The scientists found that women's brains responded differently when smelling sweat samples from men who were sexually aroused and men who weren't.

Men also use their noses to choose mates, research has shown. A January 2006 study found that the scent of a woman's body odor is more attractive to men at certain times in the female's monthly cycle. Female underarm sweat seems to communicate when a woman is fertile, making her more desirable to men.


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Baby obesity: Rapid infant weight gain linked to childhood obesity

Report in journal Pediatrics says sudden weight gain in early infancy is more important than how much a baby weighs at birth

By Deborah L. Shelton | Tribune reporter
March 30, 2009

Rapid weight gain during the first six months of life appears to increase the chances that a child will be obese by age 3, according to a new study in the April issue of the journal Pediatrics.

The study found that sudden weight gain in early infancy was more important than how much a baby weighed at birth, the weight of the infant's parents, or the number of pounds put on by the mother during pregnancy.

"The perception has been that a chubby baby and a baby that grows fast early in life is healthier and all the baby fat will disappear," said the paper's lead author, Dr. Elsie Taveras, an assistant professor in Harvard Medical School's ambulatory care and prevention department. "But [that] is not the case."

Taveras was quick to point out, however, that parents should not put their chunky babies on diets.

"More work needs to be done to determine why rapid weight gain in infancy occurs before we can develop policy, clinical protocols and interventions," said Taveras, also a co-director of One Step Ahead, a pediatric overweight prevention clinic at Children's Hospital Boston.

Health professionals have been struggling to understand why the nation's children are ballooning in weight, as childhood obesity has been linked to a host of chronic diseases later in life.

Other studies have looked at the link between obesity and birth weight, but the Pediatrics study was the first to look at rates of weight gain in relation to body length during infancy as a factor.

The study involved 559 mother-child pairs living in the Boston area; 72 percent were non-white and about 33 percent had a household income of less than $70,000.

Researchers used measures of body weight and length together—referred to as weight-for-length—because the combination gave a better picture of a child's body fat composition than weight alone, like the body mass index for adults.

The link between rapid infant weight gain and obesity by age 3 was striking, even after adjusting for factors such as being born premature or underweight. For example, an infant weighing 18.4 pounds after six months had a 40 percent greater risk of obesity at age 3 than did an infant of the same birth weight who grew to 16.9 pounds.

Taveras said the study, funded by the National Institutes of Health, did not look at why some infants gained weight suddenly. Possibilities include prenatal factors or too-frequent feeding.


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Effects of Valerian Root Tea: Anxiety and Nerves

The effects of Valerian root tea, an herb, on anxiety and nerves have been studied of over 2000 years. Valerian root is good for relieving acute stress, pain, anxiety and spasm. If you are the type of person who keeps your emotions locked up, Valerian's effect can help ease the mental and physical tension that is a result of those boxed up tensions. Follow a few guidelines when taking Valerian root. If you are severely depressed or have sluggish organ functions you shouldn't use Valerian root. For chronic conditions, you can use it for up to 10 days at a time. Larger doses are recommended for acute stress, anxiety and sleeplessness.

Valerian root tea is good for anxiety, emotional distress and paranoia. Insomnia can benefit from taking Valerian root. It can be stimulating and calming for people who have minor depression and can benefit eyesight. With insomnia, taking a dose nightly for up to 4 weeks is effective. It can improve the quality of sleep and help you sleep fall asleep faster.

If you suffer from anxiety and nervousness Valerian root has been reported to reduce some symptoms. Combining Valerian with other herbs such as St. John's word may improve the effectiveness when treating anxiety. Some side effects have been reported when using Valerian. It's been said to cause headaches, stomach upset, dizziness and excitability. Low body temperature or hypothermia has also been noted. If used longer than 2 to 4 months, insomnia may occur. Another side effect is reduced concentration immediately after taking Varian.

People taking a high dose of Valerian might also have a hangover effect and withdrawal might be noticeable if you suddenly stop taking the dose. As with any drug, the positive effects of Valerian root tea on anxiety and tension can outweigh the side effects.



How Long Can a Person Live Without Food

Several factors determine how long a person can live without food. The reasons why can be psychological, necessity or forced. The answer to how long a person can live without food depends on a person's body and weight, your state of mind, your will power and climate and hydration rate.

* First, you need to know who's asking and why they want to know.
* Are they an adventurer in survival training?
* Are they planning a protest with a hunger strike?
* Is it a question for a biology quiz?
* Is there an eating disorder?

There are three main factors that influence survival without food: water, body weight and your overall health.

The most important need for survival is water. Doctors confirm the average person lives about 4 to 6 weeks without food. However, the body can last only a couple of days without water. When you don't get enough water to stay hydrated you become lethargic, dizzy, confused, and eventually die. Mahatma Gandhi went on a hunger strike at age 74, protesting for India's independence. He survived 21 days even though he was of slight build. He allowed himself sips of water to survive. On the other hand Jewish hostages of the holocaust basically starved to death even though they consumed food. The amounts they ate were witnessed to be only between 300 and 600 calories a day.

In biology the rule of thumb for survival is the rule of three. In other words 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water or 3 weeks without food leads to death. But the statistics for total starvation are insufficient. One report of political prisoners in Northern Ireland showed that survival without food lasted between 46 and 73 days for 10 individuals. Terminally ill patients often refuse food and water in an attempt to end their lives. They live anywhere from 10 to 14 days.

With ample body fat, an person can last longer without food. If the person is obese,they may last between 4 and 25 weeks. The length of time is often dependent on the rate of metabolism to burn stored fat and energy. The rate of how long a person can live without food depends on many factors.



Are Boys Food Needs Different

Are Boys Food Needs Different
Are boys food needs different from girls or adults? Boys tend to have high-energy needs and can be more athletic. They need food that appeals to them while providing the extra nourishment to keep them healthy. A menu for boys’ food should consist of a balanced diet without a lot of junk food. Boys like things that are crunchy, greasy, salty or sweet.

Here are some suggestions for your boys to try:

Crunchy: You might as well give the broccoli, carrots and celery to the local rabbit shelter. Boys and girls probably aren’t going to eat them alone. Try serving carrots and celery with peanut butter dip or broccoli with a low fat dressing. They’re sure try them. Apple or pita chips, homemade tortilla chips and crispy English muffin pizzas are more winners in boys’ food category.

Salty: Try to avoid too much salt. It’s not any healthier for boys than adults. Just use a lighter touch when seasoning your stuff. Look for lightly salted peanuts, pretzels and unbuttered popcorn to satisfy that craving for salty food.

Greasy: Stay away from the greasy fried foods. French fries prepared in the oven are just as good but a whole lot healthier. Grill hamburgers instead of pan-frying. Add healthy cheese for a savory treat. If you have to fry foods, use lighter, healthier oil like peanut oil.

Sweet: Do they crave sweets? Fresh fruit is filled with natural sweetness. Add low fat yogurt or pudding to the fruit for more enticement. Low fat whipped cream, frozen yogurt, low fat ice cream or flavored gelatins are all good options as well. Try adding a little dash of cinnamon sugar mixture to toast or cereal. Instead of sugary empty calorie sodas, offer milk or flavored water.

A boys food needs different from girls can be met by providing appealing, nourishing options.



Faithless and Insomnia: New Hope

Insomnia patients have felt faithless and insomnia had no help. Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, addresses those fears. Requiring four one-hour sessions every other week, CBT troubleshoots the patients’ problems.

The heart of CBT helps patients address their poor sleeping plan through behavioral or mental strategies as well as to control and maintain the condition of the patient to get the consistent treatment. Patients begin to understand what they need to sleep and how their sleep systems work through cognitive therapy practices. This helps them get rid of their anxiety thinking that promotes insomnia.

Negative thoughts like “you'll never fall asleep” your body generates that mental and physical anxiety your thinking is always the obstacles for insomnia disease. However, doing cognitive therapy changes your behavioral responses by retraining your body's natural sleep pattern. Some of the strategies include restricting sleep time to actual time asleep, waking at a set time every day and keeping external and internal invasions away. Doing a way with daytime naps and “resting their eyes” is also part of the therapy.
CBT is a form of sleep education. The therapy lists recommendations for getting good sleep. Things such as avoiding alcohol, nicotine and strenuous exercise close to bedtime, having a bedroom that is cool, quiet and without a TV are stressed or even perform a hard exercise period in the evening will also helps you to fall asleep very easily. Patients who are dependent on sleeping medications can also benefit through CBT. The drugs have been shown to increase your sleep by only a few minutes. And they can be addictive. Patients who have become faithless and insomnia is a nightly occurrence, are often the ones who are using the sleep medication. They're concerned about the long term effect but are scared to do away with the medication.


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