Are Boys Food Needs Different

Are Boys Food Needs Different
Are boys food needs different from girls or adults? Boys tend to have high-energy needs and can be more athletic. They need food that appeals to them while providing the extra nourishment to keep them healthy. A menu for boys’ food should consist of a balanced diet without a lot of junk food. Boys like things that are crunchy, greasy, salty or sweet.

Here are some suggestions for your boys to try:

Crunchy: You might as well give the broccoli, carrots and celery to the local rabbit shelter. Boys and girls probably aren’t going to eat them alone. Try serving carrots and celery with peanut butter dip or broccoli with a low fat dressing. They’re sure try them. Apple or pita chips, homemade tortilla chips and crispy English muffin pizzas are more winners in boys’ food category.

Salty: Try to avoid too much salt. It’s not any healthier for boys than adults. Just use a lighter touch when seasoning your stuff. Look for lightly salted peanuts, pretzels and unbuttered popcorn to satisfy that craving for salty food.

Greasy: Stay away from the greasy fried foods. French fries prepared in the oven are just as good but a whole lot healthier. Grill hamburgers instead of pan-frying. Add healthy cheese for a savory treat. If you have to fry foods, use lighter, healthier oil like peanut oil.

Sweet: Do they crave sweets? Fresh fruit is filled with natural sweetness. Add low fat yogurt or pudding to the fruit for more enticement. Low fat whipped cream, frozen yogurt, low fat ice cream or flavored gelatins are all good options as well. Try adding a little dash of cinnamon sugar mixture to toast or cereal. Instead of sugary empty calorie sodas, offer milk or flavored water.

A boys food needs different from girls can be met by providing appealing, nourishing options.



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