Your Guide to a Healthy Prostate
No one expects or wants to get caught with prostate disease. But the truth is that if you live long enough, it's almost certain that you will suffer from some form of prostate disease. For instance did you know that …

Prostate enlargement can be found in up to 50 % of men over 60 and 82 % of men in their 70s. This natural and common process leads to enlargement of the prostate over time and may affect bladder emptying in some men, as the enlarged prostate squeezes the urethra and makes the passing of urine difficult.

Prostatitis a condition that causes burning during urination or pain in the pelvic region can affect men at any age and does not respond well to conventional treatments. The treatment for this condition which is antibiotics is effective in less then 30% of cases.

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy or BPH is a swelling of the prostate. This condition can wreak havoc in your life and disrupt your sex life. This condition also causes trouble with urination.

Prostate Cancer in Australia will affect 1 in 11 men by the age 75. Over 11,200 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year, making it the second most common cause of cancer death in Australian men.

These figures aren't etched in stone. The average man can reduce his chances of developing prostate problems with some simple, com-mon-sense steps. But you must also try to act preventively and look-out for health problems before they strike.

1. An Overview of the Prostate Problem
2. You and Your Prostate
3. Prostate Disease
4. Your Diet and your Prostate
5. Natural Herbal help for your Prostate
6. Exercise your way to a healthy Prostate
7. Dental health and your Prostate
8. Impotence and your sex life
9. Stress and your Prostate
10. Prostate Action Guide

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