Stretches to prevent running injuries

Rob Maschi, a physical therapist at the Weill-Cornell-affiliated Hospital for Special Surgery, recommends doing the following stretches after running, or after a brief warm-up, such as walking briskly for five minutes before your run. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds:

1. Hamstring stretch: Stretches the back of the upper leg. Place one leg on a chair or step. Straighten the leg and flex your foot. Keep your back straight and bend forward at the hip. Repeat on the other leg. Hold onto a chair or wall for support if needed.

2. Calf stretch: Stretches the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, which make up the calf muscle. Stand on a curb or a step with one heel over the edge. Hold onto a lamppost, chair, or other support. Keep your leg straight and stretch your heel toward the ground (stretches the gastrocnemius). After 30 seconds, bend your knee slightly and repeat (stretches the soleus). Repeat both stretches on the other leg.


3. Quadricep/hip flexor stretch: Stretches your thigh and hip flexor muscles. Rest the shin of one leg on top of a chair or bench. Stand with the front leg bent. Keep your upper body erect. Lean forward into the front leg until you feel the stretch in front of the opposite hip. Repeat on the other side. Hold onto a chair for support if needed.


4. Hip rotator stretch: Stretches the hip rotators. Sit on a chair or bench. Bend one leg so that the foot rests on the opposite knee. Bend forward over the bent leg, keeping your back straight. Gently push the bent knee toward the floor. Repeat on the other side.

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