3 pilates exercises

1. Lateral breathing

Lateral breathing allows you to keep your abdominals scooped in continuously while breathing fully through each exercise. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Support your neck with a pillow or rolled towel. Place one hand on each side of your ribs. Inhale, feeling your ribs extend outward laterally into your hands like an accordion. Then exhale, bringing your belly button toward your spine ("scoop"); allow your ribs to soften, closing the accordion. Repeat five to 10 times.

2. Modified hundred Position

Lie on your back, supporting your neck with a pillow or rolled towel. Lift both legs up, with your knees bent, keeping both legs together. Use a support if needed. Keep your shoulders down, away from your ears; keep your arms straight at your sides (hip height). Scoop your abdominals in and begin pumping the arms up and down continuously and vigorously. Inhale for five counts, then exhale for five counts, which equals one set. Increase the challenge by removing the leg support. Work up to 10 full sets.

3 Double Leg Stretch

Lie on your back. Hug your knees to your chest, keeping both legs together and tailbone grounded. Inhale, feeling your ribs expand as you scoop your abdominals in, and extend your arms and legs straight up to the ceiling. Exhale, circling your arms down and to your sides, then return to the start position. to decrease the difficulty, keep your knees bent during the entire exercise. Repeat five to 10 times.

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