Effective solutions for hair loss

Hair loss is a problem that affects a large number of males and is also on the rise with the females. It can be a devastating problem to cope with which can have some very negative effects on your self-esteem. There are various causes of hair loss but luckily, regardless of reasons why there have been effective solutions.

One of the most commonly used methods of keeping hair loss to a minimum is the use of prescription drugs. Two of the most commonly prescribed drugs, and the only two that have been approved by the FDA in relation to hair loss are Rogaine and Propecia. Rogaine is a topical treatment that you apply to the scalp, aiding the growth of hair and helping to slow hair loss. It is over the counter and easy to obtain and relatively inexpensive. Propecia is a pill that is designed to help keep your hair count high as well; often, doctors recommend that both products be employed for the most efficient hair loss prevention solution. It is best if you start using either drug at the onset of hair loss, they work more effectively if you start using them at the first sign of hair loss.

Another option for dealing with hair loss is hair restoration surgery. During this procedure, surgeons remove strips of hair from the back and the sides of the head and place them on the top of the head, allowing for permanent growing hair in your affected area. The hair follicles that were removed will grow back, so you do not have to worry about having another bald spot! Surgery can be quite expensive but the results are long-lasting and very natural looking. It's your own hair - it grows just as it would if it was still on the back of your head. Even though it is expensive, many people turn to that option because it is natural.

For those who don't have the finances to get hair replacement surgery or want to use the oral medication or topical medication, other options are often considered such as natural hair restoration. There are many types of wigs and toupees available which are available at all different price ranges and styles for any budget. They are made today to look very natural, so they are no longer your uncle’s toupee!

Hair loss can be devastating to a person’s self-esteem, but fortunately, there are many different solutions to get your self-esteem back on track. Whether it be topical and oral solutions, surgery or wigs. There are options out there at all price ranges to help stop hair loss and make you feel better about yourself.



hair loss said...

good news as well as article mate.

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