Foods To Help You Have Healthier Hair

Hair plays a very important role in our life. All of us want to have strong and beautiful hair. It can make us more attractive and more confident. Someone said that their lover's smooth hair is one of the first impressions making them pay attention to her.

Strong and beautiful hair is so helpful but how can we improve our hair? Luckily, it is not really difficult if you want and have patience.

Hair can talk much about the health state, diet, state of mind, etc of a person. Like other parts of your body, hair also needs special nutrient substances so that it becomes strong, shiny and beautiful. Those nutrient substances can be supplied by many sources one of which is foods you eat everyday. So among various kinds of foods, which ones are good for hair?

Chicken eggs

Chicken egg is a food that is very good for your hair. If you do not want to eat eggs directly, you can use egg yolks as a hair treatment product. Your hair will become shiny. Use this treatment method 2 or 3 times a week, you will see the considerable improvement.

Foods containing Lipid

Lipid is a necessary nutrient substance for your hair. If you body does not have enough lipid, hair will be dry. Sources of lipid are fishes, oil, peanuts, etc. People who are on a diet usually have dry hair because they cut down a big amount of foods containing lipid.

Foods containing Iron

A thin-haired head is a sadness of many people because it makes them not self-confident. Iron is a nutrient that can prevent hair loss. You can find iron in fishes and meats having red color like beef.

Foods containing Protein

Your hair also needs protein. Therefore, in order to have a beautiful hair, you need supply your body with food rich of protein like meat, fishes, etc. People who have a vegetarian diet should supply the body with protein by eating other sources besides meats fishes like mushrooms, etc.

Omega-3 acid in fishes

It is said that Omega-3 acid is very good for hair. You can supply your body with this nutrient substance by eating fishes regularly because there is a great amount of Omega-3 in fishes.

A healthful life can also bring you healthy hair. You should void issues causing stress for you as far as possible. Being stressful is one of the main reasons that can harm your hair.

Hobbies are not only good for your health in general but also good for your hair in particular. If you are not a member of any clubs now, please stand up and choose a suitable one for you. Friends in those clubs will bring you laugh, happiness then you will see how your hair is improved.

Besides supplying your body with foods that are good for health, you also have to give up bad habits like tightening your hair, scratching your head, using unsuitable shampoos and hair treatments, washing hair too many times, washing hair too rarely, etc.

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