Many factors protect women against heart disease

Exercise alone does not prevent heart disease in women, according to a study in the Oct. 22 issue of Circulation. Researchers measured levels of hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c, which detects blood glucose levels over time), cholesterol, and inflammatory "biomarkers" such as C-reactive protein (CRP) in 27,055 healthy women.

They also tracked participants' physical activity, blood pressure, and weight. After a follow-up of up to 12 1/2 years, the risk of heart disease decreased in women with higher levels of activity. However, women with lower inflammatory biomarkers had the lowest risk of heart disease, followed by those with lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, body mass index, and HbA1c. The researchers explain that factors other than physical activity, such as CRP and blood pressure, appear to play a role in heart disease in women.

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